How I SeeSan Francisco
Learn about where to eat, 在你的下一次贝博体彩app之旅中,你应该做什么,什么是不能错过的,从内幕消息的人那里, our locals.
What makes San Francisco special? Is it the beautiful scenery or the incredible food? 那么它生动的艺术场景和传说中的当地历史呢? Depending on who you ask, it could be anyone (or all!) of those things. 这就是为什么我们采访了一些最迷人的贝博体彩app厨师, artists, and athletes to entrepreneurs, musicians, 和活动人士——关于他们最喜欢海湾之城的什么. 探索他们的最佳选择,必吃的菜肴,隐藏的当地宝藏,以及更多.
Like a Local
Explore Chinatown with Linda Lee
漫步在唐人街充满活力的街道上,用你所有的感官去探索. 从当地导游和贝博体彩app本地人琳达·李那里得到介绍.
Explore San Francisco's
贝博体彩app是一个由社区组成的城市,每个社区都有自己独特的风格和魅力. Choose a neighborhood on the map to learn more.
Union Square
当生活变得艰难时,强者会去联合广场购物. Indeed, in a town with abundant citywide shopping, 联合广场是最著名的购物疗法的发源地.
Nob Hill
托尼·班尼特(Tony Bennett)的《我把心留在贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco)中,那些爬上星星半途的小缆车正在爬诺布山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.
Marina / Pacific Heights
The Marina's boutiques and restaurants attract a hip, younger crowd, 而太平洋高地的景色和富丽堂皇的住宅则会让你屏息.
San Francisco’s Japantown is the oldest in the U.S. 从著名的和平塔到各种美食, learn about this vibrant historic neighborhood.
A neighborhood full of music history, fine dining, and upscale shopping, 菲尔莫尔酒店在几个街区里包罗万象,多得让人难以置信.
A combination of enterprise zones, high tech, arts groups, retail, and restaurants, Mid-Market is witnessing a boom.
With its pagoda-style architecture, ornate lamp posts, exotic menus and other distinctive elements, 在这里停留,感觉更像是出国旅行,而不是在附近闲逛.
湾景是贝博体彩app阳光最充足的社区, home to 35,000 residents, nesting ospreys and some of the most urban, diverse sights and bites in the city.
Mission District
教会区是贝博体彩app最时髦的街区之一, packed with trend-setting boutiques, restaurants, and more.
Castro / Noe Valley
Regardless of your sexual orientation, 不去世界闻名的卡斯特罗区,你的贝博体彩app之旅就不完整, one of the country's first gay Neighborhoods.
Richmond / Presidio
The southern anchor of the Golden Gate Bridge, the verdant, scenic Presidio, artfully reclaimed Crissy Field, 和内战时期的Point要塞只是小镇西北角的几个景点.